Jiffy Wild Card
Sorrel filly foaled Feb. 5, 2016An aristocratically-bred filly that goes back to our great mare Reylena that produced NRCHA Futurity Res. Champion and AQHYA World Champion Reylena Belle. Strong on Colonel Freckles bloodlines combined with $7 million sire Hollywood Dun It that has rewritten the books in the NRHA. Our man who halter breaks our foals says that she is relaxed and agile; he likes her very much! |
Wild Card Dun It AQHA Jr. High Point All- Around Champion, Sire of Champion Breakaway Horse in 2024 Women’s Rodeo World Championship, AQHYA World Champion in Ranch Riding, and Champion of Roping Futurity of America Breakaway Futurity. |
Hollywood Dun It
Sire of winners of over $6 million dollars, NRHA Futurity Res. Champ., NRHA Derby Champ.,NRHA Superstakes Champ. |
Colonel C Hermosa
Dam of AQHA Jr. High Point All-Around Champion, Produced NRHA and NRCHA money earners, and an AQHA point earner. |
Hollywood Jack 86
World Champion Sr. Reining, World Champion Jr. Reining
AQHA ROM Superior Reining Horse
Blossom Berry
AQHA Pt. Earner
Colonel Clout
World Champion Sire; Sire of NCHA, AQHA, PRCA, SHOT money earners |
Debolt Ten
Dam of NCHA money earners incl: Ginger Dee Rey Lte $88,759 |
Easter King
Arean ROM, Sire of AQHA Champion
Superior Perf., Superior Halter, ROM
Miss Hollywood
AQHA ROM, Dam of Superior Reining, Dam of ROM
Dun Berry
Regina Bella
Dam of ROM SHow
Colonel Freckles
NCHA Fut Ch , sire NCHA & NRCHA Fut Ch; AQHA Hall of Fame |
Miss Pistol Lena
NCHA Cert of Abil; AQHA ROM & World Qual. |
Boon Bar
sire of winners of $3 million, inc. Royal Blue Boon, "All Time Leading NCHA dam" |
Miss Ginger Dee
NCHA Futurity Champion |
Colonel C Boomerang Dam of a top WPRA head horse |
Colonel Clout
World Champion Sire; Sire of NCHA, AQHA, PRCA, SHOT money earners |
Colonel Caneel
Producer of NCHA money earners |
Colonel Freckles
NCHA Fut Ch , sire NCHA & NRCHA Fut Ch; AQHA Hall of Fame |
Miss Pistol Lena
NCHA Cert of Abil; AQHA ROM & World Qual. |
Colonel Freckles
NCHA Fut Ch , sire NCHA & NRCHA Fut Ch; AQHA Hall of Fame |
NCHA Futurity Semi-Finalist, AQHA ROM, dam of Reylena Belle: $64,555, NRCHA Fut Res Champ, AJQHA World Champ.; dam of Shiner's Lena Rey (Carol Rose) |
Jewel's Leo Bars
Gr Ch Halter, AQHA ROM, NCHA Top 10 |
Christy Jay
Dam NCHA Fut Ch & NCHA Cert of Abil |
Doc O'Lena
NCHA Futurity Champion, sire of 2 NCHA Futurity Champs |
Miss Dido Pistol
AQHA Champ., 222 halter, 24 cutting pts. |
Jewel's Leo Bars
Gr Ch Halter, AQHA ROM, NCHA Top 10 |
Christy Jay
Dam NCHA Fut Ch & NCHA Cert of Abil |
Doc O'Lena
NCHA Futurity Champion, sire of 2 NCHA Futurity Champs